Why is it that even Vegemite on toast tastes better in Paris? I'm telling you, these people know how to make bread! You see Parisians walking around munching on baguettes all day long. With all those carbs, why are they so thin????
We set off mid morning to the Louvre. We decided we would wind our way through Le Marais and enjoy the half hour walk there which ended up talking up 3 hours. On our way we stopped at the Place de Vosage, which is a beautiful garden which must have once been the private gardens to the Palace that surrounds it.
Victor Hugo that wrote Les Miserables lived here for a while.
The park was lovely and there was some play equipment that the kids had a ball on. We met a tour group of teenagers from Wisconsin, USA who fell in love with the kids. One of them even got Nic & Liv to sign her sneaker!
The Boulangeries have the most enticing window displays, I swear I'd love to eat my way through every item on display, but for now I have been happy to feast my eyes (I'm not sure how long that will last...)
Even the Easter displays are wonderful.
The Louvre is so awe inspiring. When you are surrounded by the grandness of the buildings, you just can't even fathom the opulence and the riches that these palace owners possessed.
So, when you walk through room after room of magnificent paintings, some of them unbelievably huge and then you finally get to the Mona Lisa, it's a bit of an anti climax I reckon. I mean, don't get me wrong, it's got a wonderful almost lifelike quality to it, but the sheer size of it in comparison to a lot of the other pieces is almost funny.
On one end of the room you have this 'tiny little painting' and then you turn around 180 degrees and on the totally opposite wall has a painting so huge, it's laughable that everyone is jostling to see the magnificence of this tiny painting and barely noticing the brilliance on the other 3 walls.
...but then again, I'm no expert... but I'm happy to share my ignorance with the world.
Room after room, wall after wall, FULL of unbelievable art work and all Nicholas wants to know is what does he need to do to get one of his paintings up on the wall?
Claude Monet
Just a warm up for Disneyland on Monday.
Got a big day tomorrow. Meeting at 9am for our Paris in a Nutshell tour, River Seine Cruise and Lunch at the Eiffel Tower. Must go get some rest.
Quote of the Day:
When the waiter said to us after dinner "I'll see you tomorrow maybe" in his French Accent, Nicholas answered "If I get out of mai pa-ja-mers" in his French accent.
Too funny.
Oh, I missed yesterday's quote of the day:
"Check out the daggy ankles on THAT horse" (see below)
"Imposabile" (with a french accent) you guys already have that holiday glow.