Sunday, April 10, 2011

Day 11 - Bari

Today we docked at Bari. I have just asked the family "What will I say about today?" and the kids answered "That we had the BEST day ever!!!" Give them a kids club and a swimming pool and they're set. Ben and I on the other hand are still getting used to this cruising gig. We're getting used to being in a confined space with SO many people, all jostling for the best seats around the pool to wither show their bodies off in bikinis / speedos or perve on those that are in bikinis / speedos. It was 24 degrees here today, and you would think it was the middle of summer the way the people flock to the poolside (including our kids!)

We didn't do the shore excursion today because it interrupted the kids club program, the kids wanted to do the tennis session followed by the collage making session, so at midday we picked them up and hopped in a taxi and took a private tour around Bari. We went to the Basilica of Saint Nicholas which was beautiful. You walk into these churches and say 'wow' and then you look up and you're blown away even more.

The taxi driver was great, he took us to all the main spots, waited for us to have  look inside monuments, even took us to a Sulameria so that we could buy some lunch. We got him to then drop us near the Norman castle where we stopped to eat our delicious antipasto plate and then walked back to the ship.

When we got back, the kids donned their bathing suits and joined the party. The music was blaring, there was a stage show and they quite happily joined in with all the adults that had been knocking back cocktails all afternoon with the dancing and conga lines and just had a hoot of a time! I chilled out with a cup of tea and read my book and Ben knocked back a couple of beers 'keeping an eye on the kids' - I actually think his eyes were rather occupied in other directions, but who could blame a fellow under these dire circumstances? I'm sure as the days pass by, he will become confidant enough to take some photos of the 'vistas' for his fellow compadres.... stay tuned!

We're doing Olympia and Magna Greek tour which should be fun. We have to put our clocks forward an hour tonight on the day we need to leave at 8am in the morning!! ARGH


  1. OMG how different can 2 sisters beeee....TEA are you insane-COCKTAILS girl COCKTAILS !!!!!

  2. I say YAY for kids clubs...
    Ray says YAY for bathing beauties...

    After the white party, I understand why you're into tea and NOT cocktails... on that... how's your bruised butt?

  3. Venice is just so amazing. The photos are fantastic.I did recognize you wearing some Robe purchases there Lee. The weather looks perfect.
    Vince is with Ray and can't wait to look at the photos Ben. Doesn't the tea taste sh@#?

  4. Hi Kouta's - just spent the last 15 mins catching up on your blog. The places you've been and the experiences you have had all sound amazing! Can't wait to hear more about your cruise - pictures and all! C'mon Leanne surely there are some beautifully tanned men that you could report on! Do us proud girl!!!!!!!!! Take care MM

  5. Hi guys, what a blog ....LOVE IT LOVE IT!!! You all look as though your having an amazing time SOOOOOOOOOOO jealous Lee.... look frwd to what tmrw brings loving the hat nic! Bacioni a voi tutti a domani. L & C0 XO

  6. Lee Lee where are you?
