Friday, April 8, 2011

Day 8 - Venice Walking Tour & Gondola Ride

We experienced our first buffet breakfast this morning and the kids were beside themselves! I'm not quite sure just how many serves of Nutella on toast Nic had, but judging by his smeared face - a lot! They were stressing out that Palazzo Bembo might not have quite the spread and maybe we should stay at Priuli instead!

I think we have the weather angels following us because the next 3 days are forecast to be 23 degrees and sun shining. This is the BEST time of the year to travel, not too hot, just nice and not hoards of people to contend with.

We met our guide at 11am and she gave us some history about how Venice came about, the Dodges Palace and Saint Marcs Cathedral & Piazza. Fascinating! I loved that the last execution was in the late 1700's between these two poles and that the spectators could mark the time of death with the big clock tower behind. 300 years later, Nonna's still tell their misbehaving nipote "Do you want me to show you the time?" meaning I'm going to take you down to be hung in Saint Marco Piazza... Love it.

The Pope is coming to Venice in a couple of weeks, so they are frantically trying to beautify the place up for him, so there was a bit of scaffolding and platforms being built. The biggest disappointment for me is all the huge advertising billboards being hung in the main piazza :(

Voi che ti mostro che ora e?

We didn't stand in the middle of the two poles because the Venetians believe that it is bad luck.

We had to make sure that our shoulders and knees were covered before we went into the church. You are also not allowed to take any photos in there.
This is the millionth photo Ben has offered to take of other tourists....

....and every once in a while, they offer back.

This is us standing on the Rialto bridge. The building to the right of the white one above Olivia's head in the background is Palazzo Bembo.

Our room is on the very top floor, the 2 windows on the left.

A waiter who looked exactly like Uncle Angelo heckled us as we walked past his restaurant and convinced us to come in for lunch (and you think Lygon St is bad?). It was good. We spent a good couple of hours just watching Venice at play.

His side profile was a more striking resemblance than front on, but can you see Uncle Angelo?

On the Rialto Bridge

View from our Penthouse suite - to the Left....

...and to the Right

Our Gondola Ride

We were leaving for the gondola ride and Nic asked us to wait so that he could go back in and grab his cap "because that's what attracts the girls"... and it does!

Beautiful Day.



  1. NICE hat nic and liv we missed u at school

  2. I hope the Kouta family a having a great time in Europue .It looks like you are having a ball of a time . Lots of love from Ricky Gags & family

  3. Oh how absolutely beautiful!
