Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Day 12 - Katokolon - Olympia & Magna Greca

I'm not blogging as often because the internet access is pretty slow and I'm struggling to get some text uploaded let alone some photos. (I'm actually catching up on the past 3 days in one sitting while we are at sea for the day. Hopefully I can get a few pics up)

Did I mention this cruising life takes a bit of getting used to?

The kids are loving it, but it's not Ben or my cup of tea (and yes the tea here tastes crap... it's the UHT milk - skata) We've decided that the Cruise is the destination, not the countries you're visiting. You're not at the port for long enough to really get a feel for the place before you're back on board swaying from side to side. I wouldn't recommend cruising like this in the mediterranean, I feel like we're all the way over the other side of the world and we're trapped on a ship. The only time I would consider a cruise again would be with a group of friends on a P&O in the pacific..... but Ben would take some convincing.

Anyway! Day 12 - Katakolon.
We booked ourselves into the excursion today and went over to where the first Olympic Games were held. It was very interesting (for me & Ben, but as far as the kids were concerned, seen one ruin, seen em all) and once again we had a spectacular day for it, blue skies and blossoms on trees, very pretty.

A perfectly staged shot of the kids pretending to run at the original Olympic stadium

All those ruins and it was this bug that captivated my son....

After that, we went to a farm house to have a mezze lunch and watch some Greek dancing, then we got to wander around amongst the olive trees (thought of you dad), goats (thought of you Vince), Chickens (thought of you Linda) and sheep (didn't make me think of anyone in particular...)

Then we were back at the port where everyone went crazy at the Duty Free, mainly buying alcohol (forgetting that the cruise ship doesn't allow you to consume your own alcohol on board) so when we checked back in and had our bags scanned, everyone with alcohol got asked to sign their alcohol over to storage and it would be released the day we disembark. Shifty spagniola that I am, I lined up to sign over a bottle of Ouzo that I was bringing back as a gift and told Ben to go and take the kids upstairs and I would meet him up there. It was that chaotic that we got away with it and the 6 pack of beer and 2 Ltrs of Whisky made it up to the room! Woo HOO!!! We just have to hide it every night so that the maid doesn't confiscate it the next morning (as it says in their Terms & Conditions)

You get a magnetic card when you first come on board so all your purchases, every excursion, bottle of water, every cup of coffee gets charged to it, I'm scared to see what the final bill will come to!

We dressed up for the Captain's Ball tonight, wasn't that a treat? They brought in a 2 star michelin Chef to help prepare the meals tonight. You would never have guessed it though, same old Coles cafeteria food.... you could imagine Ben's devastation.....

Captains Ball

Fun, Fun... not

The best part of the day is often coming back to the room to see what had been done with our pj's or towels. Too Funny.


  1. Thank you so much for the updates - even without the photo's the blog is great!! Keep up the great work! Love the market stories and the adventures you are all having! Stay safe and have fun - go get em Nic!!!

  2. oohhh... love the dresses Olivia & Lee! xox
