Sunday, April 3, 2011

Day 4 - Marche Bastille - Catacombs - Glace from Bastille

Boy did I hit a wall last night, I was asleep before the kids! 

We all had a sleep in this morning and we had a "Go Slow" day today, so not too much to report. We set off at 11am to meander through the "Marche Bastille" a fabulous outdoor market which is a block away from where we are staying... have I mentioned to you how much we LOVE, LOVE, LOVE our apartment? No? Well, we LOVE it!

This marche is the Victoria Market on steroids - more boutique in size but bigger and better in quality if that could be possible. It had loads of unbelievable produce, from fruit & veg to fresh fish (scallops the size of Wagon Wheels), Meat that brought a tear to my husband's eye, eggs displayed in huge baskets, bread to die for (have I mentioned the French bread? OMG) and the cheese? Far out, Ben was looking for the Captains Tables, I'm telling you, what the Patissiers do for me, the Fromageries do for Ben. We succumbed tonight and had a slab of Brie, Prosciutto and Quince paste for dinner on toast.... then we opened our box of pastries!

Olivia made the purchase of the day with her cute little versatile white handbag that she can wear across her body (10 Euro - she was wrapped!).... like her mother she moved straight in!

We considered keeping the seeds for Nonno

On our way to the Catacombs, where they have exhumed all the old skeletons from the cemetery from pre 1700's to make room for the next few century worth of bodies. The skeletons are stored here 130 steps under Paris in a maze of almost 2kms worth of tunnels. 

When we got there at 2:30pm the line was around the corner and it didn't look likely that we were going to get in. We waited an hour until officials told us not to bother because we wont get to the front of the line before last admission at 4pm. Ben & the kids want to go back on Tuesday (I'd rather go to La Fayette) we'll see.....

We're becoming quite the experts using the Metro here, although even a trained monkey could get around here it's that easy.

They're pointing at the duck....

At the markets on the River Seine we found a plaque to hang out the front of someone we knows door, but we didn't want to offend....

Ben thought this might suit our house. I'm getting a complex....

Paris in Spring time is glorious.

Nic's pointing to the boobies on the postcards. He wanted me to buy an apron with boobies on the front. Can you imagine me cooking dinner in that? ... on second thoughts - don't!

For some reason this sign made us think of Nonno and his departation in Scopa...

These locks are a symbol of the lovers that come to Paris and commit their hearts to each other .... what a shame I didn't have a padlock handy...

These Police Officers came out with 2 huge platters of cheese and ham. Ben was next in line, but I thought he was going to give up Crackshot and join the force!

This is us joining the other losers who thought we were at the famous Berthillion to get our Glaces. It wasn't until we were second from the front that I worked out we were at the wrong place!

This was the right one! I thought of the Eres today, thanks for the recommendation Mandy!

Walking past this church on the way home and we thought we'd pop our heads in... couldn't believe how spectacular it was inside!

Here's me checking my emails on our Wifi at the apartment while Ben's loading the pictures onto the computer.

Blogging this entry while enjoying a bottle of Bordeaux Superieur. Ah, this is the life!

Disneyland tomorrow, stay tuned!

Au Revoir


  1. Your father is thinking about ways of getting those tomato seeds into Australia. How about the condom up Ben's... what do you think? Love and miss you, Mum. Ps Kiss the kids

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Can you buy the 'enfant terrible' plaque in bulk? You're day today sounds perfect... would have loved to be there! Love you... Sandra

  4. i hope that we have a great time

  5. BTW - that last comment was Nic not me, just before we left for Euro Disney this morning...
