Saturday, September 8, 2012

Greece Day 4 Halkidiki

Woke up this morning to same sound of waves lapping out the back opened up the curtains to a magnificent Aegean sea view what a place. I ventured out to the beach before the old man finished 2.5hr morning routine, this place looks straight across the water at Mt Athos which is one of Greece s  premiere spiritual areas, full of Monasteries which you need a permit to get in and is on the 3rd finger of Halkidiki. We wont be venturing over there as we are not here long enough, next time.

As you get down on the beach you look back  at all these big beautiful houses and just to the right of them is the local Hobo who set himself up on a piece of primo real estate, not a care in the world lives right on the beach forages for food through peoples gardens for him Dolce Vita good luck to him.

 I headed back to the house for once again a lovely breakfast of greek cheese and bread all the time looking over my shoulder for the Hobo. After Breaky Harry high pants Tellie and myself went for a walk along the beach well me and Harry (dad) made it to the rocks about 100 mtrs from the house but Tellie (the iron man Adonas) went for a 3km walk and then a 200 mtr swim. After a chat on the beach with Voula and the neighbour (the communist) we hit the road.

Harry High pants 

Our first stop was this beach called Kalogria for a beer and a swim, what a swim, Tellie and I swan to an Island then to the point and back, we were swimming in water 15-20 mtrs in depth and about 26 deg when you open your eyes under the water you could drop a pin and watch it go all the way to the bottom .We swam for about 2kms I know what you are thinking 2kms but the water makes you buoyant its easy to swim that distance look at the pictures below great place .

The beach at Kalogria

We then moved on to a place called the Parthenon which sits high on hill were you can see the 1st and 2nd fingers of Halkidiki stunning view. Following that we proceeded to New Marmara feeling that I deserved a Mythos after my record breaking swim at this very funky bar on the water, I know you probably saying ,Bill and Funky, yes I thought the same thing he may come back with a little culture (mum can't guarantee it but we're trying). We sat there and absorbed the beautiful views and discussed what we would next, the plan was to go to another beach, better than the last one. Well when the old man heard that, he cried out I'm not going to sit on another bloody beach I'm starving  (Mum there goes the culture and decorum).

The Parthenon

The bar at New Marmarras

Before the old man faded away to a shadow Tellie made a b line straight to this great restaurant called Tzitzikas in Porto Korfo where we were eating seafood well apparently dad doesn't eat seafood but soon I established that he had to re think his claim. We had 18 courses of fish and the only thing he didn't eat were the mussels but he had the pilaff that went with it. So the next time he says i don't eat fish I am going to run to the fridge grab a hole snapper out and slap him with it. Porto Korfo is a great little picturesque Port which the navy used to hide their submarines in the second world war its 110 mtr deep with only one narrow entrance.

 Tzitzikas in Porto Korfo 

Then we started the trip back home where i sit now once again watching a beautiful Greek sunset over the Aegean on the balcony I hope you are enjoying the blog as much as I am writing it ,speak to you soon.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Ben,

    That Hobo has an antenna which means he has electricity. Can you knock on his door and see if he has his occupancy permit;) I am enjoying the post.
