Saturday, September 8, 2012

Greece day 3 Thessaloniki

As we leave the airport there's Voula right out the door to greet us with a big hug and kiss and  Tellie doing laps around the car park because the Police said that they would book him if he stopped, we then waited until Tellie slowed the car down to slow jog and threw the bags in the car and went on a car trip that Nicholas would think was straight out of Forza 4 motor sport xbox game, we finally made it to their lovely home up in the hills behind Thessaloniki where Voula had organised a beautiful breakfast on the back balcony which was sensational .

After breakfast Dad wanted to cash in his millions alright slight exaggeration 1.2 million Drachma which is now worth $3.50, Voula took us to the Eurobank which took over the the bank the account was in. They couldn't help but suggested we go to the city branch and speak to some one there , well can i say our public servants don't have anything on the greeks red tape, with every excuse in the book not give you your money a couple of phone calls to the Australian Console  still to no avail, we where beaten, Dad told them where to stick his money and we took off back to Voulas house on the way back Dad was complaining to Voula that he hadn't seen a greek cake shop in Athens and was craving a litre of syrupy goodness, well have a look at his face when he finally got into one he was smiling Peter Costello after a Budget surplus announcement .

Poor Voula trying to work through Greek red tape

Main cafe area Thessaloniki

We got back to the house where Theo Nick and Thea Areti were waiting for us what a beautiful greeting ,tears in all our eyes, I never felt a real connection with Greece in any part of my life until that moment a truly wonderful experience.

Following the formalities and in true Voula style we found ourselves on the balcony sitting down to a magnificent Mousaka dolmades and great big chops which was OMG (oh my god for the old folk reading the blog) what a meal and Voula is the hostess with mostess Tellie kept me and the old man well water once again with my favourite amber ale Mythos. We sat there and chattered the afternoon   away, good times .

After a quick tidy up we jumped in the car and have taken off to the beach house in  Halkitiki ( i think that is how you spell it) and that where i am now sitting on the balcony listening to the water lap up against the back door, we arrived in the dark so i will have photos tomorrow, good night all ,speak to you later its 1.30 am and i'm going to bed .

Lee Tellie wanted to know, how you knew he loves watches and has no where to put them all .


  1. Ben you are too funny and Bill I love that Peter Costello smile! xx

  2. OMG (lucky I have teenage sons) I am loving your blog. I can picture you getting emotional and it brought tears to my eyes tooooo...enjoy xx

  3. Bill, we too love you "Peter Costello announcing a budget surplus' smile!
    Ben - the kids say LOL to your funny jokes!!
    We are loving your blog. Love the way you're telling us your story, I just want to know... are you hustling for the funniest person in this family position?
    Can't wait to see photos of Halkidiki.

  4. BTW - tell Tellie I'm so happy he liked his gift!
