Thursday, September 6, 2012

Greece Day 1

Let me start by saying Mum you deserve a medal, trophy, gold pen or Sainthood. Our trip stated off well with a 14.5 hour long haul ahead of me i eased  the pain by swallowing a couple of magic beans 1 glass of red 1 trashy hollywood sci-fi movie i woke up in a dust bowl called Dohar which is 40 deg in the shade and sand dunes as far as the eye can see , great flight though would highly recommend Qatar Airlines.

This the few from our balcony

Walking to the Plaka for lunch 

We got into Athens at lunch time and got into contact with my cousins Darren and Parthena ,Darren and  i thought it would be a great  idea if we went down to the Plaka and drank a couple of hundred Mythos beers and a few ouzo, well i can say i think Darren Dad and myself drank our equivalent weight in beer and after a few I luvs you all we decided to call it quits, with a 15 min down hill stagger back to our hotel i threw the old man into bed.

The first of many I Luvs you all

Theres another one

I love Mythos

A very long stagger home

Still a little thirsty and hungry i decide to head up stairs to the roof top restaurant where i got a little chatty with some New Zealanders after a few sheep jokes the conversation improved and with an even better view than our room which has a million dollar view(great choice of hotels Mum top spot 5 mins to the Plaka really nice and modern rooms with big balconies) had a good meal good beer and company then called it a night we have a big day tomorrow walking to the Acropolis.

View from the roof top Restaurant

1 comment:

  1. Love the photos, love the comments. Very entertaining.
