Sunday, May 1, 2011

Day 31 - Rome; the Colosseum, the Forum and Trevi fountain

We booked another 3 hour walking tour guided by one very well informed lady. On our way there we stopped to take some photos with Gladiators, you know, for the kids, because Ben and I would never enjoy something like this....

Look at Nic's tongue hanging out his mouth.   LOL.

 We got to wear headsets this time which is a great set up because you can always hear what she is talking about even if you can't get up close. She told some great stories, like this statue is of Emperor Nero. He was only a young man and came into power at the age of 16 after his mother killed her husband in order to have Nero take the throne and then be able to manipulate her young son and indirectly become the ruler herself. After a few years, Nero grew tired of being manipulated and arranged to have his mother drowned. It was an unsuccessful attempt so then he just had her killed in her bed at night while she slept on night.

Nic took this photo because it has his name on it....

The kids lapped up all the information that we heard about the Colosseum, especially when she told us about the battles. The gorier the better for my two.

That bit of flooring was put in to how you how the arena would have been back when it was being used and all the underground tunnels that existed.

King Constantine's Arc

Ben and the kids in total 'Time Team' mode. They were itching to launch their own archaeological dig.

There's something missing from this Grecian carving  . Thats right a goat !!

Always busy at Trevi, the kids where so overwhelmed to see it.

Zia & Daniel, that's your coin

Nic's barely made it into the water

You can actually see the little bronze coin in the air... good shot Ben!

And Bens.... if you can see him behind the baldy. That's why he's the official photographer.

The last time I was here, I had Olivia in my belly and now we're all here. Surreal.

We'll be serving up Pizza alla Romana very soon at Elder Parade

1 comment:

  1. Hello darling cugini!!!

    Phil and I have just spent a weekend in Phillip island (mmm boring) and your blog has been better than any book I could have taken away with me : )
    I've now devoured it from start to finish to compensate for the sneak peeks and tidbits I've only managed to grab up to this point.

    You can really see that you are all having a wonderful time. I'm so happy for you. Sooo beautiful and such a fantastic family memory you are creating.

    Thanks for taking us along with you, can't wait to see you all. Enjoy.

    Lots and lots of love, hugs and kisses Mel xxxxxxxxx

    PS did the caterpillar in Alice's wonderland say "whoooooo arrrreeee yoooouuuu"
